Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group
LORAG is a ‘needs led’ organisation, which aims to empower communities and support people in the Lower Ormeau area of Belfast. Their work entails assistance and guidance for personal development, family support, employment and training support, community cohesion, innovative health initiatives and youth engagement. LORAG works in and represents a diverse community and its approach and services reflect this. LORAG has developed and manages Shaftesbury Recreation Centre, a multi-purpose building will hall space, meeting rooms, gym and outdoor 3G synthetic playing area.
LORAG has been a client of ours since S3 Solutions was established. The central focus of our work has been supported securing funding for new projects and initiatives, with over £1.5 million in capital and revenue funding secured with S3 Solutions assistance. In addition, LORAG has also sought tender bid writing, business planning, strategic planning, training and evaluation services from our consultant team.